Procedures of Toshiba air fryer Broccoli

Now that I have the ability to do it myself, I have found that this frying method is extremely unhealthy. Broccoli is full of oil, and eating it is a health bomb.

In college, I ate fried Broccoli at the school gate. The small flowers are fried crispy and dipped in sauce, they are so delicious that they fly!


Now that I have the ability to do it myself, I have found that this frying method is extremely unhealthy. Broccoli is full of oil, and eating it is a health bomb.


Until I had a Toshiba air fryer


Materials for Toshiba air fryer Broccoli

1 Broccoli

An appropriate amount of black pepper powder

A moderate amount of salt


Procedures of Toshiba air fryer Broccoli

Step 1

Wash Broccoli. Cut off the part of the flower.


Step 2

Cut along the stem with a small knife, and when cutting to the head, directly break it open to ensure that the small flowers do not fall apart.


Step 3

Cut the thicker stems below the flowers into small strips. The thickest and largest stem is peeled off with a small knife and cut into small pieces. Personally, the roasted stems are crisper and better to eat.


Step 4

Put the cut Broccoli into the air fryer. I will put the flowers on the bottom of the air frying pan and put the stems on the top. Feel free to feel troublesome. Don't waste leaves, either. Roasted, it is particularly crispy, giving a feeling of eating seaweed.


Step 5

Spray a little oil. If you don't have a watering can, put Broccoli in a big bowl, pour some oil and mix well.


Step 6

130 degrees, grilled for 7 to 8 minutes. About 5 minutes later, remember to take it out and flip it over, flipping the part that has already been baked in color underneath. Small flowers are very easy to scorch. But because it's a plant, it doesn't matter much if it's burnt.


Step 7

Add some black pepper and salt and mix well to eat. I mixed the steamed pumpkin to provide sweetness. I added black pepper powder, cumin powder, Chili powder, a small amount of aged vinegar, and a small amount of soy sauce. It tasted good too.

tom lee

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