Urgent Signs You Need to See Your Dentist in Burke

Most people know that they must visit their dentist in Burke once a year for an annual check-up and cleaning to maintain healthy teeth. However, yearly visits may not be enough. If you experience some pain or discomfort around your teeth, then it’s important to schedule a dentist appoint

Most people know that they must visit their dentist in Burke once a year for an annual check-up and cleaning to maintain healthy teeth. However, yearly visits may not be enough. If you experience some pain or discomfort around your teeth, then it’s important to schedule a dentist appointment immediately. That said, how will you know if you need to have your teeth checked before your scheduled check-up and cleaning? Read on to learn about the urgent signs it’s time to see your dentist in Burke. 


Unexplained Toothaches

If you experience persistent, severe, and unexplained toothaches, you may be at risk of gum disease or infection. When the pain increases and the aching does not go away after a few days, you must call your dentist in Burke to treat the pain before becomes a more serious issue. Your dentist can prescribe antibiotics to eliminate any present bacteria, along with medication to prevent further infection growth. 


Your Gums Are Bleeding

Bleeding gums are one of the signs of a mental disorder, and it’s recommended to schedule the soonest trip to the dentist in Burke to have it diagnosed or treated. This sign indicates poor oral health and that you may possibly have gingivitis, which is when you have plaque irritating the gums. The disorder can cause red, swollen, or bleeding gums in the long run. While gingivitis is considered a minor disease, it can turn into a severe dental issue if you don’t have it checked right away. 


Teeth Hurt When You Chew

There are various reasons why chewing food feels painful or uncomfortable. That said, only a few types of pain while chewing are signs of dental issues. If you notice that your teeth are highly sensitive to hot or cold food and drinks, it may be an issue with your gums or lack of enamel. If you experience tooth pain when biting down any food, then it may indicate your teeth are damaged and require immediate treatment. 


Swollen Mouth Or Jaw

A swollen jaw or mouth is a sign of a severe dental issue, especially when accompanied by other symptoms such as tooth pain and sensitivity, or a bad taste in the mouth that doesn’t go away. All these symptoms point to the possibility of a dental abscess, which occurs when bacteria multiply and break down surrounding tissues. When left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of your body, resulting in fatal dental or medical consequences. 


Chipped or Broken Teeth

Your teeth may chip, crack, or break for various reasons, such as accidents or tooth decay. If this happens to you, address the dental damage right away by calling your dentist to set the soonest appointment. Even the most minor damage can compromise the affected tooth’s structural integrity, with a small crack growing into a bigger issue if left untreated. 


In case you experience one or more of these symptoms, schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist in Burke to receive the appropriate diagnosis and treatment. If you are still looking for a well-trained dentist to help with dental-related issues, you can count on us at Kingdom Dentistry to provide the services you need. Give us a call today and we can set a dental appointment at your most available time. 


  1. https://theamberpost.com/post/urgent-signs-you-need-to-see-your-dentist-in-burke

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