Comedy movie news about Adam's Rib

Adam's Rib is a comedy movie directed by George Cook and starring Spencer Tracy and Katharine Houghton Hepburn.

Adam's Rib is a comedy movie directed by George Cook and starring Spencer Tracy and Katharine Houghton Hepburn.
The comedy movie tells the story of a couple, a prosecutor and a defense lawyer, who never give in to each other in court, which even affects their daily court life.
Sid and Trisha are a happily married couple until they find out that they are having a baby. This changes everything for both of them; especially Sid of the comedy movie. Life is getting difficult and boring for Sid day by day until he discovers a key to success in family life from a friend who is known for his brilliant performances as a father and a husband. He too begins to follow his lead and enters into a two-way lifestyle. In one he is a great father and a husband and in his secret life, he is enjoying his life as he used to enjoy in his bachelor life. Everything goes perfectly well until a third person enters their life. From that point onward Sid's marriage life is moving toward a disaster. He tries his best to save it for the sake of his child. He finally understands how important his wife and child are to him.
A family person may need some space for themself even after marriage, but how far can (s)he go looking for it makes the subject. The comedy movie starts with a confident young married guy who seems to know how to keep his married life happy, But he panics as soon as he becomes a father and tries to adjust himself to his new 'family'.
The comedy movie does exaggerate some aspects for the sake of humor. For example, the ordeals of fathers in a supposed kids play. And the side effects that the title mentions were mostly one-sided. But the director did try to make amends in this aspect with a hint at the end of the movie. All the characters were carefully drafted and meticulously used.
Vir Das the multi-talented comedy movie actor-writer-musician and stand-up comedian better known for his comic acts has made India proud and put on the Global map multiple times in the recent past. Apart from being a stand-up artist, Vir Das is also known for his acting capabilities in films like Delhi Belly, Go Goa Gone, Shaadi Ke Side Effects, and Badmash Company amongst many others. Today 31st May is Vir Das? 's birthday, On this special day we bring to you a few did-you-know facts about his accomplishments that made us Indians proud and have truly made Vir Das an international artist.


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