How long does coil occ last? Notes when using Occ

Depending on the usage and quality of the OCC and a number of factors, the Occ replacement time may vary. The lifespan of Coil Occ is about 3 to 5 days, if you smoke with a lot of frequency.

Depending on the usage and quality of the OCC and a number of factors, the Occ replacement time may vary. The lifespan of Coil Occ is about 3 to 5 days, if you smoke with a lot of frequency. Or it can be up to a month if you smoke occasionally. To know when to replace the Coil occ, Smoke Alley will tell you some of the following signs:

Feeling a burning taste in your mouth when smoking
This is the most basic sign that the Coil is in need of replacement. No matter what essential oil you use when you smoke, you will feel the burning taste in your mouth. Therefore, when you see this phenomenon, you must replace the occ immediately to protect the best health. At the same time, avoid affecting other devices.

Feel the oil has a strange taste when smoking
When you smoke, you find a strange taste in your mouth or the taste of the essential oil has a strange smell, not as perfect as before. This is the same sign that you need to replace the coil


Seeing less smoke than usual
When you first buy or replace the Occ for sale, you will see more and thicker smoke, but after a while you will see less smoke. This is a sign that the coil is damaged and needs to be replaced for the best experience.

Leaked Essential Oils
Usually Coil Occ is only used for a short time. If you find that there is an essential oil leak, the Coil Occ is probably old and needs to be replaced. However, leaking essential oils also have a number of other causes, so you need to look carefully to avoid losing money.

Whispering sound when smoking
Pods when sucked they are very quiet, but if the coil works poorly, it will create a hissing sound. So this is a telltale sign for you to replace them. However, when it has been replaced without this sound, it may be due to a few other reasons that you also need to consider carefully before replacing.
See also: Rikid Pod

A few notes when using Occ pod
When using Coil Occ, you need to keep a few things in mind to help preserve the best working, most durable and flavorful e-cigarette device. Best in the following ways:



  • Regularly change Coil Occ periodically to avoid burning, burning or leakage of essential oil. Moreover, using Occ for a long time can cause the metal part to oxidize. When smoking, substances or debris created by oxidation can enter the lungs causing dangerous diseases.
  • Some types of equipment can replace the occ head, if you want to replace it yourself, you should be very careful. The reason is that if you replace the incompatible device, it can cause the e-liquid to leak out.
  • You should regularly clean the Pod. Regular cleaning of the device will help limit the clogging of essential oils.

Of the above notes, the most notable thing is that you need to change the Occ or the Pod head regularly to ensure that the smoke produced is the most delicious and fragrant. In fact, the Occ head is usually only used for about 3-5 days. However, the life of the Pod head can be extended if you regularly clean the device.


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