Final Fantasy XIV Dungeons Guide – Xelphatol

If you're playing the base game of FFXIV, you will probably be asked to complete the FFXIV MSQ. It's an intimidating task, especially for those who've never played a massive multiplayer game. However, completing the MSQ can open up some of the most vital story content.

Xelphatol is one of the new dungeons introduced in the latest Final Fantasy XIV. In this article we'll cover a few of the different aspects of this dungeon, including the in-character blog of Shofie Mahowyn and Dotoli Ciloc. In addition, we'll also take a look at the dungeon map and Garuda attacks.

Dotoli Ciloc

Dotoli Ciloc, Xelphatol's second boss, is no ordinary mortal. He's a swashbuckling rogue with some serious chops, and he's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve. In fact, he's been known to summon an army of Hawks to do battle. In addition to his blunderbuss attacks, he has a few other notable achievements to boast about.

The first is the Nuzal Hueloc. The ninja is also no slouch when it comes to impressive moves. For instance, he's got a nice restraint collar, and a well-executed buff system. He's also a sucker for a good scare. And he's no slouch when it comes defending his turf. He's also a jack-of-all-trades, and a master of all trades. His other pawn is his subordinate, the predator, who is a finely tuned ninja. Among the many feats of jubilance that the Xelphatol hunk can concoct, Dotoli Ciloc's On High (the naughty tiniest) is the most impressive. The aforementioned feat of irony, however, is that the "On High" is not really a "Hands Up" as it's a fumble.

Garuda attacks

Garuda is one of the most dangerous enemies in FFXIV. It can be hard to kill it in Extreme Mode. This guide will show you how to defeat it. In the Main Scenario Quest Shadows of the First, you must fight Garuda twice to complete the quest. He can be defeated in three difficulty levels. The harder the difficulty, the more rewards you will earn.

During phase 1 of the fight, Garuda's health bar is always 340,630. During this time, he will cast various AoE attacks. AoE damage can wipe out your party. To avoid this, it is important to be aware of Garuda's various indicators.

In Phase 2, Garuda's adds are Chirada and Suparna. They have auto attacks that do little damage. They spawn early and should be handled with caution. They will also spawn in a triad of whirlwinds. During phase 3, Garuda will teleport in the order of north, east, and south. This will leave little room for maneuvering. This is the time for AAA healers and a high-level tank.

Xelphatol dungeon map

Xelphatol is one of the more interesting areas to explore in Heavensward. It's located in the Eastern Highlands, northwest of Gyr Abania and northeast of Coerthas. This dungeon is a four-player affair and requires at least some level of skill to complete. However, players who are willing to devote some time to the task may be rewarded with some nice loot. Individuals with expectations to know about Buy Ffxiv Gil and other details can feel free to visit here.

Xelphatol's heyday was a mere five hundred fifty years ago, but the Ixal are determined to keep their kingdom intact. To do so, they are going to have to take a few blows. The Ixal aficionados are stubborn creatures who won't back down from a challenge. So, they've turned to the gods of the realm for help. In the form of the primal Garuda.

The Xelphatol dungeon boasts a few notable inhabitants, including the aforementioned oh so named Tozol Huatotl. It is a bit more challenging to kill this particular boss, so it pays to prepare ahead of time.


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