24 cavity preform mold, Dragon Mold is best

24 The importance, production technology, processing method and manufacturer of cavity preform mold, if you like it, welcome to contact us, we will serve you.

Purchasing molds is undoubtedly a considerable investment for companies producing PET preforms, as well as for industries producing containers. For this reason, it is necessary to pay special attention to the characteristics of the mold to make it an effective means of speeding up production and gaining profits. The production technology of the mold determines the quality of the mold and enables the production to continue without the impact of downtime

Importance of 24 cavity preform mold

24 cavity preform mold

Product quality is always a key factor in all types of production activities, and it is especially important when dealing with PET preforms, since it determines the price and characteristics of the containers it produces.

PET preform molds and related mechanical parts must guarantee the technology and characteristics of the products produced:

1. No appearance defects

2. No air bubbles

3. The gate has no peeling and no long tail

A perfect PET preform is what those container production companies look forward to.

Therefore, the preform can be seen as a high-value element that justifies the higher cost required to produce a lower-quality product.

Production technology of 24 cavity preform mold

Companies that design and manufacture injection molds and turnkey production equipment must continually invest in research and development to improve machinery efficiency and extend the life of every wear-and-tear component.

The continuous (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) production of PET preforms requires the support of an extremely reliable partner able to provide optimized process and cost solutions.

Right from the project planning stage, we have to pay special attention to mold design to achieve as little water consumption as possible and clean facilities.

Well-designed molds require advanced technologies applied to cooling circuits, elements that determine preform production speed and process water consumption.

On a high-volume production line, frequent downtime to clean molds wastes time and money; for this reason, it is important to evaluate how to limit this necessary operation to a minimum.

Cleaning once a week instead of every two days has clear advantages for preform producers.

The design of the preform and associated tooling is also important to achieve a high level of flexibility.

In this case, preform molds of different weights can be produced simply by changing the cores, making the industrial process faster and more flexible.

Processing method for extending 24 cavity preform mold

Given the cost of injection molds and their importance, we recommend using the services provided by the manufacturer to extend their life.

For example, having an expert assess the actual efficiency of a mold that has been in production for some time means that failures can be detected and eliminated in time to reproduce high-quality preforms.

Other operations such as remodeling and refurbishment, heat treatment and coating, which make the surface of the component stronger and better lubricated, also greatly extend the life of the tooling.

The reduction in wear is truly incredible, and moldmakers can guarantee cycles in excess of 10 million molds. And without these treatments, the limit would be a cycle of about 5 million dies.

24 cavity preform mold manufacturer

Looking for cost effective 24 cavity preform mold? Dragon Mold is your one stop shop! We are a leading manufacturer of high quality cavity preforming tooling. Manufactured from the highest quality materials, our cavity preforming molds are designed to meet the specific needs of our customers.

If you are looking for 24 cavity preform mold, please contact Dragon Mold today! We'll be happy to provide you with a quote and answer any questions you may have.


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