Ten key factors of 6 cavities jar preform mold

Introduces the ten key points for choosing a six-cavity preform mold, the treatment method for prolonging the life, precautions for use and the manufacturer.

Ten key factors for choosing 6 cavities jar preform mold

In the production process, we often worry about what kind of hot runner nozzle to choose for the preform mold, and the factors that affect the selection of the hot runner nozzle for the preform mold are: plastic raw materials, product quality, nozzle, mold, cycle, gate , runner, temperature controller, performance of injection molding machine, product design. When the enterprise has an accurate understanding and grasp of these, it can choose the appropriate hot runner nozzle for the preform mold.

1. Plastic raw materials: Different plastic raw materials have different processing variables, and those processing variables will affect the choice of hot runner system.

2. Product weight: Products with different weights have completely different requirements for hot runners.

3. Nozzles: Nozzles can generally be distinguished by size, temperature distribution, physical properties, materials used (copper, steel, etc.), and the difficulty and price of maintenance.

4. Mold: For example, what is the number of cavities? What is the nozzle distribution distance? What kind of material is processed? And so on, these are the mold elements related to the optional hot runner system.

5. Cycle cycle: Fast production cycle means higher requirements for nozzles. For example, nozzles need to transfer heat accurately and be durable.

6. Gate: For a point gate, in order to maintain a good thermal balance in each molding cycle, the tip of the hot flow nozzle must have the function of melting the material and cooling the seal. The valve gate uses a mechanical method to seal the gate.

7. Runner: The use of the hot runner system avoids the production of material handles, which not only saves raw materials, but also saves the previous process of removing material handles by hand, manipulator or other methods.

8. Temperature control: each nozzle must be connected with a relatively complicated temperature controller.

9. The performance of the injection molding machine: it can install a mold of a given size, provide sufficient clamping force, operate according to the requirements of the cycle time, plasticize enough materials, etc.

10. Product design: Generally speaking, we all know that the product design is completed first, but the final molding is completed in the hot runner mold. In order to ensure a smooth product appearance and easy mold release at the end of molding, those factors must be considered in the structural design of the product.

Treatment method to prolong the life of 6 cavities jar preform mold

6 cavities jar preform mold

Given the cost of injection molds and their importance, we recommend using the services provided by the manufacturer to extend their life.

For example, having an expert assess the actual efficiency of a mold that has been in production for some time means that failures can be detected and eliminated in time to reproduce high-quality preforms.

Other operations such as remodeling and refurbishment, heat treatment and coating, which make the surface of the component stronger and better lubricated, also greatly extend the life of the tooling.

The reduction in wear is truly incredible, and moldmakers can guarantee cycles in excess of 10 million molds. And without these treatments, the limit would be a cycle of about 5 million dies.

6 Precautions for using cavities jar preform mold

1. Ensure stable product quality

To ensure that the plastic mold can produce qualified plastic parts stably and reliably, it is necessary to keep the PET injection mold in good working condition. When the injection mold is working, it is impossible to always be in the best working condition. There will always be one or the other situation, such as the lack of oil in the guide post and guide sleeve, which causes the action to be blocked, and the loose fasteners cause the action to be deformed.

2. Pay attention to the time of shutdown for maintenance

During the use of preform molds, there may always be major failures that require shutdown for maintenance, and the operation cannot continue during shutdown. Therefore, it is desirable that the shutdown time is as short as possible, and the number of shutdowns is as small as possible. However, the major failure of the mold often does not appear suddenly, it has a process of accumulation.

3. Check the mold to reduce operating costs

During the use of the mold, many operating costs have to be paid, and the sum of these costs is the operating cost. Among these costs, the larger number is repair costs. If the mold is not well maintained, it is often necessary to pay a lot of extra repair costs, which will prevent the mold from working normally and increase the operating cost.

6 cavities jar preform mold manufacturer

Looking for cost-effective 6 cavities jar preform mold? Dragon Mold is your one stop shop! We are a leading manufacturer of high quality cavity preforming tooling. Manufactured from the highest quality materials, our cavity preforming molds are designed to meet the specific needs of our customers.

If you are looking for 6 cavities jar preform mold, contact Dragon Mold today! We'll be happy to provide you with a quote and answer any questions you may have.


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