Use of vertical cyclone separator and matters needing attention

vertical cyclone separator

The operation of vertical cyclone separator can be divided into trial operation and routine operation. First of all, when a test run is carried out, a single component of the system must be inspected, followed by an adaptive run and a partial performance test. In daily operations, necessary checks should still be carried out, especially for the performance of vertical cyclone separator. It should be noted that the change of the load of the host equipment will affect the performance of the dust collector. After the machine is started, pay close attention to the working condition of vertical cyclone separator and make relevant records.

First run

During the trial run of the new vertical cyclone separator, special attention should be paid to checking the following points:

1, fan rotation direction, speed, bearing vibration and temperature.

2. Whether the treatment air volume and the pressure and temperature of each test point are consistent with the design.

3, the installation of the filter bag, after use, whether there is bag drop, loose mouth, wear and other conditions, after the operation can be judged by the discharge of the chimney.

4. Pay attention to whether there is condensation in the bag room and whether the ash removal system is smooth. Prevent plugging and corrosion, serious ash accumulation will affect the production of the main engine.

5, cleaning cycle and cleaning time adjustment, this work is an important factor about the dust collection performance and operation status. If the cleaning time is too long, the attached dust layer will be removed and become the cause of filter bag leakage and damage. If the cleaning time is too short, the dust on the filter bag has not been cleared off, the filtration operation will be resumed, and the resistance will be recovered quickly and gradually increased, ultimately affecting its use effect.

The interval between two dusting times is called the dusting cycle. Generally, the dusting cycle is expected to be as long as possible so that the dust collector can operate under economic resistance conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the dust properties and dust concentration, and determine the cleaning cycle and time according to different cleaning methods, and adjust in the test run to achieve better cleaning parameters.

At the beginning of operation time, there will often be some unforeseen circumstances, for example, abnormal temperature, pressure, moisture, etc. will cause damage to the new equipment.

The rapid change of gas temperature will cause the deformation of the fan shaft, resulting in an unbalanced state, and vibration will occur during operation. Once the operation stops, the temperature drops sharply, and the vibration will occur again when it is restarted. According to the gas temperature to choose different types of fans.

The quality of the test operation of the equipment directly affects whether it can be put into normal operation. If it is handled improperly, vertical cyclone separator is likely to lose its effectiveness soon. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful and prudent in the test operation of the equipment.

Ii. Daily Operation

In the daily operation of vertical cyclone separator, due to some changes in operating conditions or some failures, the normal operation status and working performance of the equipment will be affected. Regular inspection and appropriate adjustment are required to extend the life of the filter bag, reduce power consumption and recover useful materials.

vertical cyclone separator


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