Cell-sized robots could soon be injected into the body to monitor health

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Videos of robots opening doors and even doing backflips are a constant source of excitement due to the advanced capabilities of modern robotics. However, robotics advancements are also taking place on a much smaller but no less significant scale.

Micro robots that are so small that they can be injected with a Vital Sign Monitors Pipeline Products Market have been developed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. This opens up a variety of medical applications.

A nanofabrication method was used to create these cell-sized robots. Researchers were able to rapidly and inexpensively transform a 4-inch specialized silicon wafer into a million microscopic robots using this method.

Wirelessly powered, each bug-shaped robot can walk and withstand harsh environments and is the width of a human hair. Because of these characteristics, the nanorobot is able to deliver drugs, map the brain, and monitor vital signs when injected into the human body.

Laser light is used to control the solar-powered robots, which are powered by two or four silicon solar cells on top of the robot's skeleton.

However, since the micro robots are powered in this manner, they can only operate close to the body's surface. As a result, new energy sources like ultrasound and magnetic fields are being investigated by researchers to make it possible for these robots to travel to other parts of the body.

Smart versions of the robots with on-board sensors, clocks, and controllers are currently being developed by Cornell and Pennsylvania researchers.

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It is anticipated that nanobots will play a significant role in medicine in the future. By delivering drugs to specific areas of the body and carrying out diagnostics and repairs, they make it possible for smart medicine to be practiced without the need for invasive procedures. They also have a lot of potential for patient monitoring because doctors can use sensors in the body to constantly evaluate patients.


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