Kyler Murrays contract extension with Ca

Kyler Murrays contract extension with Ca

Kyler Murray's contract is It's already been leaked the five-year, $230 million but it looks like the Arizona Cardinals want to limit the multi-sport athlete's offseason activities, as well.Per PFT, the language in the contract says if Murray participates in any type of baseball-related activity (including, without Taywan Taylor Jersey limitation, a tryout, workout, practice, scrimmage, exhibition or game) for any baseball team, in any baseball league," the default would trigger.Murray, who was drafted by the Oakland Athletics in 2018, has expre sed interest in being a true two-sport athlete and playing both football and baseball profe sionally. But the Cardinals reportedly have language in Murray's contract that will cause him participating in baseball activities to trigger a default on his guaranteed money.In 2020, Murray talked about how he'd like to play both sports Kamalei Correa Jersey again. ...I mi s baseball, for sure, just being in the box, being out Tajae Sharpe Jersey there with the guys competing, Murray said in 2020, . But I know Im where supposed to be at. If I had chosen baseball, Id be mi sing football a lot more. For me, I wish I could do both. I definitely feel like I could. I never say never, but as of right now, Im having fun doing what I love.MORE:Cardinals GM Steve Keim has already made it clear what he thinks of the money discrepancy between the two sports.Have you guys seen the payroll of the Oakland As vs. his contract?" he asked during the introductory pre s conference Ryan Succop Jersey of Murray after his extension. Leading into the 2019 NFL Draft, Kyler Murray gave a painstaking interview to Dan Patrick in which Patrick tried to pry someany information out of Murray.Murray was reticent to answer any questions about football or baseball, and refused to commit to going to Spring Training or Pro Days before the draft. It starts on an awkward note, with him not commenting on how a football feels.In 2021, the two talked again about that interview, a sort of water under the bridge conversation in which Murray Adam Humphries Jersey denied knowing he was going to play football at that point.What does it all mean? Don't expect to see Murray in Athletics training camp or Spring Training any time soon, even as a borderline celebrity appearance.


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