Sandblasting Services in NJ: What is Sandblasting?

Rusty lions new jersey Powder Coating Enhance metal surfaces with decorative and protective powder coating.

Sandblasting is an abrasive process in which sand is sprayed onto an object to remove contaminants and condition the surface to smoothen or roughen it. Sandblasting is commonly used as abrasive blasting, but other media are also used.


Abrasive media utilizes multiple techniques and media for conditioning surfaces. Rusty Lions uses an environmentally friendly sandblasting process to clean and condition your surfaces.


Where and Why is Sandblasting Used?

Rusty Lions offers professional sandblasting services in NJ to restore and clean various items, including metals, steel, plastic, wood, fiberglass, aluminum, asphalt, cement, concrete, bricks, stones, stucco, etc.


Sandblasting is the most efficient surface preparation method with versatile applications. The process can be customized for varying levels of pressure and the abrasive media used to condition a wide array of surface materials. The object is restored to its original form without contaminants and ready for a new paint or coating job.


Rusty Lions has the equipment and expertise required to accommodate any and all of your New Jersey sandblasting needs. Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to providing the highest quality services to our customers with a quick turnaround time.


Contact Rusty Lions today at 347-613-8103 to learn more about our sandblasting services.



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