Tourist Visa Vs Visitor Visa: What's the Difference?

If you want your visa application process to be easier, migration agent Melbourne consider using the services of Livv Immigration – a registered migration agent in Australia.

When planning a trip to Australia, one thing to consider is obtaining the correct visa. For short stays, there are two primary visa categories: Tourist visitor visas. While both allow you to enter the country for a limited period, they are for different purposes. In this blog, we will explore the differences between a tourist visa and a visitor visa, whether you should hire a visa agent in Melbourne or a visitor visa consultant in Melbourne, the criteria for applying for each visa, and much more.


Tourist Visa

A tourist visa is for individuals who plan to visit Australia for a holiday or leisure. This type of visa typically allows a stay of up to three, six, or twelve months. You can do some work while on a tourist visa, but it cannot be your primary purpose for visiting Australia.


Visitor Visa

A visitor visa is for individuals who plan to visit Australia for business purposes, such as attending a conference or meeting or visiting family and friends. This type of visa allows a stay of up to three, six, or twelve months, depending on the circumstances.


Should You Hire a Visa Agent in Melbourne?

Navigating the visa application process can be daunting if you are doing it for the first time. While you can apply for a visa on your own, hiring a visa agent in Melbourne can make the process much simpler and less stressful.


For example, when you migrate with your partner to Melbourne, you may need a partner visa migration agent to consult. They can help you determine which visa category is best for your specific circumstances and ensure all the necessary documents are in order before applying. They can also help you prepare for the visa interview and provide advice on what to expect during your stay in Australia.


Criteria for Applying for a Tourist Visa Vs Visitor Visa in Melbourne

To apply for a tourist visa in Melbourne, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Individuals must have a valid passport and should be out of Australia.
  • Sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in Australia
  • Should be void of any criminal convictions
  • Should not have any medical conditions that could pose a threat to the Australian community


To apply for a visitor visa in Melbourne, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Candidate should be from another country with a valid passport
  • Genuine reason for visiting Australia, such as attending a conference, business meeting, or visiting family and friends
  • Funds to support yourself during your stay in Australia
  • Void of criminal convictions and medical conditions.


How Livv Immigration Can Help?

Applying for a tourist visa or visitor visa in Melbourne can be daunting, but hiring a visa agent makes it a lot easier. By partnering with Livv Immigration, you can ensure that your visa application is handled professionally and efficiently, leaving you with peace of mind to focus on planning your trip.

Livv Immigration

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