This Will Change Your Perspective About PO Box

A post office box (PO Box) is a secure storage facility for mail, packages and other physical documents. It's also a great way to send personal letters or business mailings.

A post office box (PO Box) is a secure storage facility for mail, packages and other physical documents. It's also a great way to send personal letters or business mailings. You can use your own address for the PO Box, but you'll need to obtain one before you start receiving packages through the post office.

Open an account in the post office.

Open an account in the post office. You can do this by going to your local branch of the Post Office and filling out an application. Once you have opened an account, they will give you a PO Box address that must be used whenever sending mail through them. Your home address will be listed on all official documents as well as any licenses or licenses issued by state agencies (e.g., driver's license).

Get a PO Box.

Getting a PO Box is easy. All you have to do is open an account at the post office, use your PO Box as a shipping address, and choose your own address for it. The process can take about five minutes if you’re already in the habit of doing this kind of thing (like me).

After opening an account with the U.S. Post Office—and making sure that they know where they can find me—I just needed to fill out a form so they could give me access to their system:

Use your PO Box to ship packages.

To use your PO Box to ship packages, you'll need to:

  • Have a physical address in the U.S. or Canada (in which case you can use it as an actual shipping address)

  • Have access to the internet and a printer at home or work

Use your PO Box to store files or papers.

The PO Box is a great place to store files and papers. You can keep your business accounting files in one, or store personal information and documents in another. If you have a home office, use the PO Box for storing the mail that comes from your clients or customers.

Choose your own address for your post office box.

If you're receiving mail at a PO Box, you can choose who receives that mail. You can also change the address of your post office box to one of your choosing.

  • You can choose a new address for your PO Box, which will appear on all envelopes and packages sent to that location.

  • To update the information on an existing PO Box:

  • Select "View Details" from the drop-down menu in the top right corner of any page in Post Office Online if there are no changes made to it since last using this feature (see below). This will open up a pop-up window with more details about how exactly these updates take place; however, if no changes were recently made then this pop-up may not appear until after clicking on "Update Now". To avoid confusion please read through both sections before proceeding further so as not get caught up by any unexpected outcomes!

A PO Box is the most secure way to receive mail, send and receive packages and send physical letters documents

A PO Box is the most secure way to receive mail, send and receive packages and send physical letters documents. You can use your PO Box for all of these things:

  • Receiving mail

  • Sending mail

  • Sending packages via UPS or FedEx (smaller than 2 lbs)


A PO Box is the most secure way to receive mail, send and receive packages and send physical letters documents. The post office gives you a box with a unique number that they will give you when they open your account. This number can be used as an address anywhere in the world. It's also very easy to get one! You just need an address (which is called an “Mailing Address”) where people will know where things are coming from if they want to contact you directly about something specific like ordering a product online or paying bills electronically through email or their bank account.

Digitals Magzine

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